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Publikationen - Professur Tiergesundheit und Tierschutz - für das Jahr: 2009

  1. HAMMON, H.M.; G. STÜRMER; F. SCHNEIDER; A. TUCHSCHERER; H. BLUM; T. ENGELHARD; A. GENZEL; R. STAUFENBIEL; W. KANITZ: Performance and metabolic and endorine changes with emphasis on glucose metabolism in high-yielding dairy cows with high and low fat content in liver after calving.. In: J. Dairy Sci.. 2009, Nr. 92, S. 1545 - 1566.
  2. Liliana Mahecha; Karin Nuernberg; Gerd Nuernberg; Jörg Martin; Eva Maria Hubbermann; Sandra Knoellere; Erik Claeys; Stefaan De Smet; Dirk Dannenberger: Antioxidant enzyme activities and antioxidant capacity in beef muscle from bulls fed diets rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids1. In: . 2009.
  3. Mahecha, L.; Nuernberg, K.; Nuernberg, G.; Ender, K.; Hagemann, E.; Dannenberger, D.: Effects of diet and storage on fatty acid profile, micronutrients and quality of muscle from German Simmental bulls. In: Meat Science. 82 2009, Nr. 3, S. 365 - 371.
  4. Mohr, Elmar: Biologische Rhythmen. In: von Engelhardt, Wolfgang: Physiologie der Haustiere, 3. Auflage. 3. : Enke Verlag Stuttgart, 2009. - ISBN 978-3-8304-1078-2, S. 673 - 678.
  5. Prinz C; Neumann H G: Antibacterial Titanium/Calcium Phosphate Implant Surfaces. In: Key Engineering Materials. 396-398 2009, S. 299 - 302.
  6. Schweigel, Monika; Voigt, Jürgen;Mohr,Elmar: Indication of intracellular magnesium deficiency in lactating dairy cows revealed by magnesium loading and renal fractional excretion. In: Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition. 93 2008, S. 105 - 112.

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