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Publikationen - Professur Tiergesundheit und Tierschutz - für das Jahr: 2013

  1. Borner, Sabina;Derno, Michael; Hacke, Sandra;Kautzsch, Ulrike; Schaff, Christine;Thanthan, Sint; Kuwayama, Hideto;Hammon, Harald M;Rontgen, Monika; Weikard, Rosemarie;Kuhn, Christa;Tuchscherer, Armin;Kuhla, Bjorn: Plasma ghrelin is positively associated with body fat, liver fat and milk fat content but not with feed intake of dairy cows after parturition.. In: The Journal of endocrinology. 216 2013, Nr. 2, S. 217 - 229.
  2. Paduch,Jan-Hendrik;,Mohr, Elmar; Krömker,Volker: The association between bedding material and the bacterial counts of Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus uberis and coliform bacteria on teat skin and in teat canals in lactating dairy cattle. In: Journal of Dairy Research. 2013, Nr. 80, S. 159 - 164.

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