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Publikationen - Professur Tiergesundheit und Tierschutz - für das Jahr: 2007

  1. Bruch, M.; Kacholdt, A.; Ott, E.M.; Zeyner, A.; Mohr, E.:: Development of an in vitro method to assess the risks of genetically modified plants (GMPs). . In: BioOk - Second Seminar on analysis and assessment of the Environmental Risks of Genetically Modified Plants: BioOk - Second Seminar on analysis and assessment of the Environmental Risks of Genetically Modified Plants. , 2007.
  2. Bruch,M; Kacholdt,A; Ott,E.M; Zeyner,A.;Mohr,E.: Transport of recombinant expressed GFP at porcine small intestine. In: Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry. 63 2007, Nr. 1, S. 39 - 39.
  3. Derno, M.; Jentsch, W.; Schweigel, M.;Matthes H.-D.; Mohr, E. : Adaptational response of energy metabolism to varying environmental conditions in Herefored oxen.. In: Ortigues-Marty, I.; Miraux N.; Brand-Willams W. ; Ortigues-Marty, I., Miraux N., and Brand-Willams W. (Hrsg.): Energy and protein metabolism and nutrition.. 124. , 2007. , S. 527 - 528.
  4. Kraft, Mario; Knüpfer, Uwe; Wenderoth, Rolf; Kacholdt, Andre; Pietschmann, Patricia; Hock, Björn;Horn, Uwe: A dual expression platform to optimize the soluble production of heterologous proteins in the periplasm of Escherichia coli. In: Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 76 2007, S. 1413 - 1422.
  5. Von Borell, E.; Langbein,J.; Despres,G.; Hansen, S.; Leterrier, C. J.; Marchant-Forde, J.; Marchant-Forde, R.; Minero, M.; Mohr,E.; Prunier, A.; Vaöance, D. ;Veissier, I: Heart rate variability as a measure of autonomic regulation of cardiac activity for assessing stress and welfare in farm animals – a review. In: Physiology and Behavior. 92 2007, Nr. 3, S. 293 - 316.

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