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Publikationen - Professur Phytomedizin - für das Jahr: 2011

  1. Agrobiodiversität : Schriftenreihe des Informationszentrum Biologische Vielfalt. 31. , 2011.
  2. Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) annual meeting (Denver, Colorado, 7-11 February 2010). 49. , 2010.
  3. Workshop Weed Mapping : Book of Abstracts. Jokionen / Finnland : MTT Agrifood Research Finland, 2011.
  4. Baraibar, B.; Carrión, E; Recasens J.; Westerman, P.R.: Unravelling the process of weed seed predation; seed cache finding, seed utilization and seed preference. In: Biological Control. 56 2011, S. 85 - 90.
  5. Baraibar, B.; Ledesma, R.; Royo-Esnal, A.; Westerman, P.R.: Assessing yield losses caused by granivorous ants, Messor barbarus L., in winter cereals. In: Crop Protection. 2011, Nr. 30, S. 1144 - 1148.
  6. Baraibar, B.; Torra, J.: Westerman, P.R.: Harvester ant (Messor barbarus (L.)) density as related to soil properties, topography and management in semi-arid cereals.. In: Applied Soil Ecology. 2011, Nr. 51, S. 60 - 65.
  7. Davis, A.S.; Daedlow, D.; Schutte, B.J.; Westerman, P.R.: Temporal scaling of episodic point estimates of seed predation to long-term predation rates. In: Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 2011, Nr. 2 (6), S. 682 - 690.
  8. de Mol, F.; Hanzlik, K.; Gerowitt, B.: Weed biodiversity is not related with yield loss risk - a calculation for German oilseed rape fields. In: EWRS (Hrsg.): . , 2011.
  9. EWRS (Hrsg.): Proc. 4th Workshop of the EWRS Working Group. , 2011.
  10. EWRS ; EWRS (Hrsg.): Proc. 4th workshop of EWRS Working Group Weeds and Biodiversity. , 2011.
  11. Gerowitt, B.: Agrobiodiversität - Herausforderungen in den nächsten 20 Jahren. In: Tagungsband Symposium Agrobiodiversität in Deutschland. 32. , 2011. , S. 138 - 145.
  12. Hanzlik,K.; Gerowitt, B. (2011): The importance of climate, site and management on weed vegetation in oilseed rape in Germany. In: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2011, Nr. 141, S. 323 - 331.
  13. Peters, K.; Gerowitt, B.: Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Unkrautarten im Raps. In: RAPS. 3 2011, S. 8 - 10.
  14. Schulz, A.; Pallutt, B.; Gerowitt, B.: Long-term effects of reduced herbicide dosages and nitrogen fertilisation inputs on Apera spica-venti population dynamics. In: Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences. 76. , 2011. , S. 479 - 484.
  15. Schulz, A.; Pallutt, B.; Gerowitt, B.: Long-term effects of reduced herbicide dosages and nitrogen fertilisation inputs on Apera spica-venti population dynamics. In: Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences. 76. , 2011. , S. 479 - 484.
  16. Strehlow, B.; Struck, C. : Untersuchungen zur genetischen Variabilität des Erregers der Kohlhernie, Plasmodiophora brassicae, in Raps. In: Strehlow, B.; Struck, C.: 11. Rapskolloquium Mecklenburg-Vorpommern / Schleswig-Holstein in Rendsburg. , 2011.
  17. Westerman, P.R.; Luijendijk, C.D.; Wevers, J.D.A.; Werf, W. van der: Weed seed predation in a phenotypically late crop. In: Weed Research. 2011, Nr. 51, S. 157 - 164.

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