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Publikationen - Professur Phytomedizin - für das Jahr: 2007

  1. Bilau, A., Böhm, H., Gerowitt, B. (2007): Mixed cropping of lupines for weed suppression. In: Proceedings 7 th Workshop Physical and Cultural Weed Control, March 2007. , 2007. , S. 40.
  2. Borza, J.K.; P.R. Westerman; Liebman, M.: Comparing estimates of seed viability using the imbibed seed crush test and the tetrazolium test. In: Weed Technology. 21 2007, S. 518 - 522.
  3. Bürger, J., Goltermann, S., Heilmann, H., Gerowitt, B. (2007): The Standardized Treatment Index as an Indicator for Pesticide Use Intensity on Farms in North-East Germany. In: Alford, Feldmann, Hasler, v. Tiedemann (Hrsg.): Plant Protection and Plant Health in Europe. Symposium Proceedings.. , 2007. - ISBN 978-1-901396-8-9, S. 16 - 17.
  4. Daedlow, D., de Mol, F., Gerowitt, B. (2007): Gradient of weed seed predation from the boarder into a wheat field. In: Proc. European Weed Research Society- Working Group Weeds and Biodiversity. , 2007. , S. 2 - 3.
  5. Daedlow, D., Dittmann, L., de Mol, F. (2007): Mitteilungen Gesellschaft Pflanzenbauwissenschaften. 19. , 2007. - ISBN 978-3-88312-412-4
  6. Gerowitt, B. (2007): Agrobiodiversität und Pflanzenschutz- ein ambivalentes Verhältnis. In: Journal für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit,. 2 2007, S. 1 - 3.
  7. Goerke, K., Richter, U., Schulte, M., Gerowitt, B. (2007): Unkrautmonitoring in Winterraps. In: Raps,. 25 2007, Nr. 1/2007, S. 12 - 16.
  8. Höft, A., Isselstein, J., Gerowitt, B. (2007): On transfering result-oriented agri-environmental rewarding schemes in the grassland sector between regions. In: International Journal for Biodiversity Science and Management,. 3 2007, S. 195 - 208.
  9. Mante, J., Gerowitt, B. (2007): A survey of on-farm acceptance of low-input measures in intensive agriculture. In: Agronomy for Sustainable Development. 2007.
  10. Mante, J., Gerowitt, B. (2007): What effect farmers in intensive arable areas to head for agrobiodiversity?. In: Proc. European weed Research Society- Working Gruop Weeds and Biodiversity. , 2007. , S. 9.
  11. Niederstrasser, J., Struck, C., Gerowitt, B. (2007): Etablishment of Cirsium arvense root fragments. In: Proc. European Weed Research Society- Working Group Physical and Cultural Weed Control. , 2007. , S. 57.
  12. Sandmann, G., Gerowitt, B. (2007): Weeds and Biodiversity- what are the interests of EWRS-Members?. In: Proc. European Weed Research Society- Working Group Weeds and Biodiversity. , 2007. , S. 1.
  13. Saska, P.; Vodde, M; Heijerman, T.; Westerman, P.R.; Werf, W. Van der: The significance of a grassy field boundary for the spatial distribution of carabids within two cereal fields. In: Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 122 2007, S. 427 - 434.
  14. Steinmann, H.H., Hettwer, U., Gerowitt, B. (2007): Räumliche und zeitliche Effekte der Ausbreitung von Cirsium arvensis L. im Ackerbau. In: Mitt. Ges. Pflanzenbauwissenschaften. 18 2006, S. 254 - 255.
  15. Steinmann, H.-H.., Gerowitt, B. (2007): Rewarding ecological services of Agriculture- a regional approach in germany. In: Proc. European Weed Research Society- Working Group Weeds and Biodiversity. , 2007. , S. 10.
  16. Westerman, P.R.; Ast, A. van; Stomph, T.J.; Werf, W. van der: Long term population dynamics of the parasitic weed Striga hermonthica: Strategy evaluation with a population model. In: Crop Protection. 26 2007, S. 219 - 227.

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