Publikationsjahr aussuchen: 1980 |  1981 |  1983 |  1984 |  1987 |  1988 |  1989 |  1990 |  1995 |  1996 |  1997 |  1998 |  1999 |  2000 |  2001 |  2002 |  2003 |  2004 |  2005 |  2006 |  2007 |  2008 |  2009 |  2010 |  2011 |  2012 |  2013 |  2014 |  2015 |  2016 |  2017 |  2019 |  2020 |  2021 |  2022 |  2023 | 

Publikationen - Professur Agrarökonomie - für das Jahr: 2017

  1. Economics of Disasters and Climate Change. 1. 2. , 2017.
  2. Croonenbroeck, Carsten; Ambach, Daniel: Structural Breaks in the Forward Premium. In: The Empirical Economics Letters. 16 2017, Nr. 7, S. 707 - 718.
  3. Croonenbroeck, Carsten; Hüttel, Silke: Quantifying the Economic Eciency Impact of Inaccurate Renewable Energy Price Forecasts. In: Energy. 2017, Nr. 134, S. 767 - 774.
  4. Leyer, Michael; Hüttel, Silke: Performance analysis with DEA, process mining and business process simulation on a livestock process. In: Ao, S.I.; Castillo, O.; Douglas, C.; Feng, D.D.; Korsunsky, A.M. : International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2017. 2. , 2017. - ISBN 978-988-14047-7-0, S. 938 - 943.

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