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Publikationen - Professur Bodenkunde - für das Jahr: 2011

  1. Baum, C.; Hrynkiewicz, K.; Leinweber, P.: Diversität von Ektomykorrhizapilzen unter Pioniervegetation auf einem küstennahen Regosol. In: Deutsche Bodenkundliche Gesellschaft: Berichte der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft. , 2011. - ISBN 0343-1071, S. 1 - 3.
  2. Blume, H.-P.; Stahr, K.; Leinweber, P.: Bodenkundliches Praktikum : Eine Einführung in pedologisches Arbeiten für Ökologen, insbesondere Landwirte und Forstwirte und für Geowissenschaftler. 3. Auflage. : Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 2011. - ISBN 978-3827415530
  3. Bosshard, C.; Oberson, A.; Leinweber, P.; Knicker, H.; Kreuzer, M.; Wettstein, H.-R.; Frossard, E.: Characterization of fecal nitrogen forms produced by a sheep fed with 15N labeled ryegrass. In: Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2011.
  4. Dimitriou, I.; Baum, C.; Baum, S.; Busch, G.; Schulz, U.; Köhn, J.; Lamersdorf, N.; Leinweber, P.; Aronsson, P.; Weih, M.; Berndes, G.; Bolte, A. (Hrsg.)Quantifiying environmental effects of Short Rotation Coppice (SRC) on biodiversity, soil and water -Veröff.-datum Mai 26 2011 12:.-
  5. Gillespie, A.W.; Farrell, R.E.; Walley,F.L.; Ross, A.R.S.; Leinweber, P.; Eckhardt, K.-U.; Regier, T.Z.; Blyth, R.I.R.: Glomalin-related soil protein contains thioredoxin, non-mycorrhizal-related heat-stable proteins, lipids & humic materials: Evidence from XANES, Py-FIMS and proteomics. In: Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 43 2011, S. 766 - 777.
  6. Gillespie, A.W.; Walley, F.L.; Farrell, R.E.; Leinweber, P.; Eckhardt, K.-U.; Regier, T.Z.; Blyth, R.I.R.: XANES and Py-FIMS evidence for variations in molecular composition of soil organic matter in a hummocky landscape. In: Soil Science Society America Journal. 2011.
  7. Godlinski, F.; Aust, M.-O.; Travis,G.; Hao, X.; Thiele-Bruhn, S.; McAllister, T.A.; Leinweber, P.: Phosphorus and trace metal distribution under confined cattle feeding operations in Southern Alberta. In: Landbauforschung – vTI Agriculture and Forestry Research. 61 2011, S. 100 - 110.
  8. Hartmann, Anna-Maria; Abarzua, Sibylle; Schlichting, André; Richter, Dagmar-Ulrike; Leinweber, Peter; Briese Volker: Effects of Elm Bark Extracts from Ulmus laevis on Human Chorion Carcinoma Cell Lines. In: Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics. 2011.
  9. Heumann, Sabine; Schlichting, André; Böttcher, Jürgen; Leinweber, Peter: Sterols in soil organic matter in relation to N mineralization in sandy arable soils. In: Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. 2011.
  10. Jandl, Gerald; Leinweber, Peter: The impact of energy crops on soil organic matter quality as revealed by mass spectrometric methods.. In: Institute of soil science and plant cultivation - State Research Institute: Protection of agricultural soils against joint stress of natural and anthropogenic factors. , 2011. - ISBN 978-83-7562-086-3, S. 28 - 29.
  11. Köhne, J.M.; Junior, J.A.; Köhne, S.; Tiemeyer, B.; Lennartz, B.; Kruse, Jens: Double-ring and tension infiltrometer measurements of hydraulic conductivity and mobile soil regions : Medidas de condutividade hidráulica e movimento de água no solo por anéis concêntricos e infiltrômetro de tensão. In: Pesquisa Agropecuaria Tropical. 41 2011, Nr. 3, S. 336 - 347.
  12. Krey, T.; Caus, M.; Baum, C.; Ruppel, S.; Eichler-Löbermann, B.: Interactive effects of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria and organic fertilization on P nutrition of Zea mays L. and Brassica napus L.. In: Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. 174 2011, S. 602 - 613.
  13. Kruse, Jens; Altermann, Manfred; Schlichting, Andrè; Kretschmner, Hermann; Leinweber, Peter: Bewirtschaftungsbedingte Veränderungen von Niedermoorböden in der Lewitz-Niederung : The effects of land use on fenlands soils in the Lewitz lowland. In: TELMA. 46 2011, Nr. 41, S. 15 - 28.
  14. Kruse, Jens; Eckhardt, Kai-Uwe; Regier, Tom; Leinweber, Peter: TG-FTIR, LC/MS, XANES and Py-FIMS to disclose the thermal decomposition pathways and aromatic N formation during dipeptide pyrolysis in a soil matrix. In: Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. 2011.
  15. Mikschofsky, H.; Heilmann, E.; Schmidtke, J.; Schmidt, K.; Meyer, U.; Leinweber, P.; Broer, I.: Greenhouse and field cultivations of antigen-expressing potatoes focusing on the variability in plant constituents and antigen expression. In: Plant Molecular Biology. 76 2011, S. 131 - 144.
  16. Negassa, W.; Baum, C.; Leinweber, P.: Soil amendment with agro-industrial byproducts: molecular-chemical compositions and effects on soil biochemical activities and phosphorus fractions. In: Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. 174 2011, Nr. 1, S. 113 - 120.
  17. S. Sleutel; P. Leinweber; E. Van Rans; M.A. Kader; K. Jegajeevagan: Organic matter in clay density fractions from sandy cropland soils with differing land-use history. In: Soil Science Society America Journal. 75 2011, S. 521 - 532.
  18. Schlichting, André; Dehmer Klaus J.; Leinweber, Peter: Innovative Analysen von Inhaltsstoffen und Qualitätsparametern. In: Kartoffelbau. 62 2011, Nr. 8, S. 48 - 51.
  19. Schlichting, André; Dehmer, Klaus J.; Leinweber, Peter: Innovative Analysen von Inhaltsstoffen und Qualitätsparametern. In: Niebuhr, Klaus ; Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kartoffelforschung e.V. (Hrsg.): Beiträge zur 33. Kartoffel-Tagung. Detmold, 2011. - ISBN nur online verfügbar
  20. Schlichting, André; Hühnlein, Anja; Schubert, Jörg; Leinweber, Peter; Thieme, Thomas: Effects of aphids and virus infection on the metabolism of conventional and transgenic potato plants. In: IOBC wprs Bulletin. 2011.
  21. Schlichting, André; Hühnlein, Anja; Schubert, Jörg; Leinweber, Peter; Thieme, Thomas: Effects of aphids and virus infection on the metabolism of conventional and transgenic potato plants. In: Romeis, Jörg / IOBC-WPRS ; Institute of Entomology AS CR, Ceské Budejovice (Hrsg.): Ecological Impact of Genetically Modified Organisms. , 2011. - ISBN 978-80-86668-14-7, S. 39 - 40.
  22. Schlichting, André; Rimmer, David; Drechsler, Nadine; Leinweber, Peter: Contribution of dissolved organic matter and root exudation to the antioxidant capacity of soils surrounding wheat roots. In: n.n.: EUROSOIL 2012 - Book of Abstracts. , 2012. - submitted.
  23. Schlichting, André; Rimmer, David; Eckhardt, Kai-Uwe; Heumann, Sabine; Abbott, Geoffrey; Leinweber, Peter: Identifying potential antioxidant compounds in NaOH extracts of UK soils and vegetation. In: n.n.: EUROSOIL 2012 - Book of Abstracts. , 2012. - submitted.
  24. Schmidt K, Höflich C, Bruch M, Entzian K, Horn P, Kacholdt A, Kragl U, Leinweber P, Mikschofsky H, Mönkemeyer W, Mohr E, Neubauer K, Schlichting A, Schmidtke J, Steinmann A, Struzyna-Schulze C, Wilhelm R, Zeyner A, Ziegler A, Broer I: BioOK – a comprehensive system for analysis and risk assessment of genetically modified plants. In: Journal of Cultivated Plants. 2011, Nr. accepted.
  25. Zimmer, D.; Kiersch, K.; Baum, C.; Meissner, R.; Müller, R.;Jandl, G.; Leinweber, P.: Scale-dependent variability of As and heavy metals in a River Elbe floodplain. In: Clean-Soil, Air, Water. 39 2011, S. 328 - 337.
  26. Zimmer, D.; Kruse, J.; Baum, C.; Borca, C.; Laue, M.; Haus, G.; Meissner, R.; Leinweber, P.: Spatial distribution of As and heavy metals in willow roots from a contaminated floodplain soil measured by X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. In: Science of the Total Environment. 409 2011, S. 4094 - 4100.

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