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Publikationen - Professur Bodenkunde - für das Jahr: 2006

  1. Baum, C. & Hrynkiewicz, K.: Clonal and seasonal shifts in communities of saprotrophic microfungi and soil enzyme activities in the mycorrhizosphere of Salix spp.. In: Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. 169 2006, S. 481 - 487.
  2. BAUM, C. ; HRYNKIEWICZ, K.: Phytoremediation potential and tolerance of Salix spp. – Amanita muscaria symbiosis to heavy metals. In: Centro Stefano Franscini Monte Verità Acona, Switzerland: Metal fluxes and stress in terrestrial ecosystems. , 2005. , S. 14.
  3. Baum, C.; Hrynkiewicz, K.: Anpassungsstrategien der Ektomykorrhizierung von Salix caprea an Böden mit hohen Schwermetallgehalten. In: Mitteilgn. Dtsch. Bodenkundl. Gesellsch.. 107 2005, Nr. 1, S. 165 - 166.
  4. Baum, C.; Hrynkiewicz, K.: Klonspezifische Einflüsse von Salix spp. auf die Rhizosphärenmykoflora und die Aktivitäten von Bodenenzymen. In: Merbach, W.; Gans, W..; Augustin, J.: Reaktionen und Stoffflüsse im wurzelnahen Raum. Beuren, Stuttgart : Verlag Grauer, 2006. , S. 9 - 14.
  5. Baum, C.; Hrynkiewicz, K.; Leinweber, P.; Meißner, R.: Heavy-metal mobilization and uptake by mycorrhizal and nonmyorrhizal willows (Salix x dasclados).. In: Journal of Plant Nitrition and Soil Science. 2006, Nr. 169, S. 516 - 522.
  6. CSIC Granada: 5th International Conference on Mycorrhiza : 23.-27. July 2006, Granada, Spain. , 2006.
  7. Franke, M.; Jandl, G.; Leinweber, P.: Characterization of organic compounds in aerobic biological treated municipal solid waste and re-circulated leachates. In: Biodegradation. 2006, Nr. 17, S. 473 - 485.
  8. Jandl, G.; Franke, M.; Leinweber, P.: Analytical pyrolysis of organic compounds in re-circulated leachates of aerobic biological treated municipal solid waste. In: Hungarian Academy of Sciences: 17th International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. Budapest, Hungary May 21-26, 2006. Book of abtracts. , 2006. , S. 103.
  9. Landgraf, D., Leinweber, P., Makeschin, F.: Cold and hot water extractable organic matter as indicators of litter decomposition in forest soils.. In: Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. 169 2006.
  10. Melnitchouck, A.; Leinweber, P.; Broer, I.; Eckardt, K.-U.: Pyrolysis-field ionization mass spectrometry of rhizodeposits - a new approach in the risk assessment of genetically modifield plants.. In: Environmental Biosafety Research. 2006, Nr. 5, S. 37 - 46.

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