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Publikationen - Professur Tiergesundheit und Tierschutz - für das Jahr: 2012

  1. Poultry Science. in press. , 2012.
  2. Becker, A.;Orgis, A.;Romanowski, K.;Langbein, J; Mohr,E;Müller,J;Zeyner,A: Heart rate and heart rate variability in horses on pasture: short-term effect of putting out on grass and long-term effect of adaptation to the new surrounding. In: Tagungsband: 66. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Ernährungsphysiologie. , 2012.
  3. Orgis,A;Becker,A;Romanowski,K;Langbein,J;Mohr;E; Müller,J;Zeyner,A: Parallel measurements of feed intake rate and chewing activity as well as heart rate and heart rate variability in horses consuming an oats-barley mix, meadow hay and meadow grass in their most familiar surroundings. In: Tagungsband: 66. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Ernährungsphysiologie. , 2012.
  4. Paduch,Jan-Hendrik ;Mohr,Elmar; Krömker,Volker: The association between teat end hyperkeratosis and teat canal microbial load in lactating dairy cattle. In: Veterinary Microbiology. 0 SP - EP - PY - T2 2012, Nr.
  5. Schaeff, Christine; Boerner, Sabina;Hacke, Sandra; Kautzsch, Ulrike; Albrecht, Dirk;Hammon, Harald; Roentgen, Monika; Kuhla, Bjoern: Increased Anaplerosis, TCA Cycling, and Oxidative Phosphorylation in the Liver of Dairy Cows with Intensive Body Fat Mobilization during Early Lactation. In: JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH. 11 2012, Nr. 11, S. 5503 - 5514.
  6. Zinke,Claudia; Winter,Martina ; Mohr,Elmar; Krömker,Volker: Occurrence of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Cheese Produced in German Farm-Dairies. In: Advances in Microbiology. 2 2012, Nr. 4, S. 629 - 633.

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