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Publikationen - Professur Genetik der Krankheitsresistenz - für das Jahr: 2015

  1. ALBRECHT, E.; SCHERING, L.; DANNENBERGER, D.; NÜRNBERG, G.; KÜHN, CH.; MAAK, S. : Associations of SNPs in the THRSP gene with morphological and biochemical traits of longissimus muscle in F2 offspring of a Charolais x Holstein cross. In: Journal of Animal Science. 93 (s3) 2015, S. 65.
  2. FRIEDRICH, J.; BRAND, B.; KNAUST, J.; KÜHN, CH.; HADLICH, F.; GRAUNKE, K. L.; LANGBEIN, J.; PONSUKSILI, S.; SCHWERIN, M. : Genetic and molecular background of cattle behaviour and its effects on milk production and welfare. In: EAAP Scientific committee ; European Federation of Animal Science (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 66th annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP). , 2015. - ISBN 978-90-8686-269-6
  3. KNAUST, J.; WEIKARD, R.; KÜHN, CH. : Evidence of alocus on BTA5 involved in the expression of the "rat-tail" phenotype in the SEGFAM-population. In: Kühn, Ch.; Viereck, G. ; Leibniz-Institut für Nutztierbiologie (Hrsg.): Schriftenreihe des FBN: 15th day of Doctoral Student 2015. , 2015. , S. 29 - 33.
  4. Kromik, A.; Kusenda, M. ; Tipold, A. ; Stein, V.M. ; Rehage, J. ; Weikard, R. ; Kühn, Ch. : Vertebral and spinal dysplasia (VSD), a novel dominantly inherited congenital defect in Holstein cattle . In: The Veterinary Journal . 204 2015, S. 287 - 292.
  5. Kromik, A.; Ulrich, R., Kusenda; M., Tipold; A., Stein; V.M., Hellige; M., Dziallas, P. ; Hadlich, F. ; Widmann, P. ; Goldammer, T. ; Baumgärtner, W. ; Rehage, J. ; Segelke, D. ; Weikard, R. ; Kühn, Ch. : The mammalian cervical vertebrae blueprint depends on the T (brachyury) gene. In: Genetics. 199 2015, S. 873 - 883.
  6. KROMIK, A.; WIDMANN, P.; HADLICH, F.; SEGELKE, D.; WEIKARD, R.; KÜHN, CH. : Exploitation of population-wide whole genome genotyping to identify the founder of a deleterious mutation in cattle. In: Journal of Dairy Science. 98 (Suppl 2) 2015, S. 575 - 576.
  7. Leibniz-Institut für Nutztierbiologie (Hrsg.)Schriftenreihe des FBN: 15th day of Doctoral Student 2015 -Veröff.-datum Mai 13 2015 12:.-
  8. SCHERING, L.; ALBRECHT, E.; LIU, Y.; KÜHN, CH.; WIMMERS, K.; MAAK, S. : Molecular background of differential expression of THRSP in bovine longissimus muscle. In: Journal of Animal Science. 93 (s3) 2015, S. 63.
  9. Weikard, R.; Demasius, W. ; Hadlich, F. ; Kühn, Ch. : Different blood cell-derived transcriptome signatures in cows exposed to vaccination pre- or postpartum. In: PlosOne. 10 2015, S. e0136927.
  10. Widmann, P. ; Reverter, A. ; Weikard, R. ; Suhre, K. ; Hammon, H.M. ; Albrecht, E. ; Kuehn, Ch.: Systems biology analysis merging phenotype, metabolomic and genomic data identifies Non-SMC Condensin I Complex, Subunit G (NCAPG) and cellular maintenance processes as major contributors to genetic variability in bovine feed efficiency. In: PlosOne. 10 2015, S. e0124574.

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