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Publikationen - Professur Bodenphysik - für das Jahr: 2018

  1. Gosch, Lennart; Janssen, Manon; Lennartz, Bernd: Hydraulic properties of coastal fen peat as subjected to seawater impact. In: 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting. , 2018. - presented at 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR, 12-16 Feb., S. CD53A-06.
  2. Gosch, Lennart; Janssen, Manon; Lennartz, Bernd: Impact of the water salinity on the hydraulic conductivity of fen peat. In: Hydrological Processes. 32 2018, Nr. 9, S. 1214 - 1222.
  3. Ibenthal, Miriam; Ptak, Thomas; Massmann, Gudrun; Lennartz, Bernd; Janssen, Manon: Calibration of a groundwater flow model to determine governing processes that drive groundwater flow between a coastal peatland and the Baltic Sea. In: 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting. , 2018. - presented at 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR, 12-16 Feb.., S. CD44B-0170.
  4. Ibenthal, Miriam; Ptak, Thomas; Massmann, Gudrun; Lennartz, Bernd; Janssen, Manon: Determination of governing processes that drive groundwater flow between a coastal peatland and the Baltic Sea. In: Proceedings 25th Salt Water Intrusion Meeting, 17-22 June 2018, Gdansk, Poland. Gdansk, Poland, 2018. , S. 113.
  5. Ibenthal, Miriam; Ptak, Thomas; Massmann, Gudrun; Lennartz, Bernd; Janssen, Manon: Groundwater flow between a coastal peatland and the Baltic Sea – Field measurements and modelling. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. 20. , 2018. , S. EGU2018-15712.
  6. Janssen, Manon; Frings, Johanna; Lennartz, Bernd: Effect of grass buffer strips on nitrate export from a tile-drained field site. In: Agricultural Water Management. in print.
  7. Jurasinksi, G.; Janssen, M.; Voss, M., Böttcher, M.E.; Brede, M.; Burchard, H.; Forster, S.; Gosch, L.; Gräwe, U.; Gründling-Pfaff, S.; Haider, F.; Ibenthal, M.; Karow, N.; Karsten, U.; Kreuzburg, M.; Lange, X.; Leinweber, P.; Massmann, G.; Ptak, T. et al: Understanding the Coastal Ecocline: Assessing Sea-Land Interactions at Non-Tidal, Low-Lying Coasts Through Interdisciplinary Research. In: frontiers in Marine Science. 5 2018, S. 342.
  8. Kahle, P., Bauwe, A., Lennartz, B.: Nutrient fluxes in landscapes ot Northeastern Germany. In: Viktor G. Sychev, Lothar Mueller (Hrsg.): Novel methods and results of landscapes Research in Europe, Central Asia and Siberia. Vol. II: Understanding and Monitoring Processes in Soils and Water Bodies. Moskau, 2018. - ISBN 978-5-9238-0248-1, S. 443 - 447.
  9. Kahle, P., Bauwe, A., Lennartz, B.: Übersichtsbeitrag zu Untersuchungen zum Nährstoffaustrag im künstlich entwässerten Tieflandeinzugsgebiet der Zarnow, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. In: Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung. 3, S. 159 - 172.
  10. Kahle, P., Huth, U., Holzkamm, M., Böttcher, G.: Evaluierung des Stoffbestandes der Böden im Stadtgebiet von Rostock. In: Wasser und Abfall. 2018, Nr. 12, S. 49 - 54.
  11. Kahle, P., Wenck, M., Henneberg, M., Behn, Ch.: Evaluierung physikalischer Eigenschaften von Nassbaggergut aus der Unterwarnow als Rekultivierungsschicht von Deponie-Oberflächenabdichtungen. In: Stadt Marktredwitz (Hrsg.): 10. Marktredwitzer Bodenschutztage : Bodenschutz und Landwirtschaft. Marktredwitz, 2018. , S. 70 - 71.
  12. Kleimeier,Christian; Liu, Haojie; Rezanezhad, Fereidoun; Lennartz, Bernd: Nitrate Attenuation in Degraded Peat Soil - Based Constructed Wetlands. In: Water. 2018, Nr. 10, S. 355 - 355.
  13. Koch, S., Kahle, P., Lennartz, B.: Phosphordynamik und Austragspfade in einem Norddeutschen Tieflandeinzugsgebiet. In: Wasser & Abfall. 20(6) 2018, S. 18 - 21.
  14. Koch, S., Kahle, P., Lennartz, B.: Spatio-temporal analysis of phosphorus concentrations in a North-Eastern German lowland watershed. In: Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies. 15, S. 203 - 216.
  15. Kreuzburg, Matthias; Ibenthal, Miriam; Janssen, Manon; Rehder, Gregor; Voss, Maren; Naumann, Michael; Feldens, Peter: Sub-marine continuation of peat deposits from a coastal peatland in the southern Baltic Sea and its Holocene development. In: Frontiers in Earth Sciences. in print.
  16. Nausch, M., Woelk, J., Kahle, P., Nausch, G., Leipe, T., Lennartz, B.: Quantity and quality of phosphorus losses from an artificially drained lowland catchment.. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts (Hrsg.): . Vol. 19. , 2017. - EGU2017-8325.
  17. Rahmati, M., Weihermüller, L., Vanderborght, J., Pachepsky, Y. A., et al., : Development and analysis of the Soil Water Infiltration Global database. In: Earth System Science Data. 2018, Nr. 10, S. 1237 - 1263.
  18. Saki, Hermin; Lennartz, Bernd: Phosphorus adsorption onto structured soil. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. 20. , 2018. , S. EGU2018-17883.

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