Investigations on the ensilability of pea (Pisum sativum), field bean (Vicia faba) and lupine seeds (Lupinus angustifolius) harvested before maturation
Autor: Gefrom, A.; Ott, E.M. und Zeyner, A.
Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on grain legumes
12-16 November 2007, Lisbon, Portugal, 188
Autor: Anonymus Seite: 188Jahr: 2007
Institut: Professur Tierernährung und Ernährungsphysiologie
Abstract: Harvesting and ensiling seeds of grain legumes with approximately 65% dry matter (DM) could be a possible way to produce a low cost feed high in protein from local sources. Thus, first results of ensiling trials with pea, field bean and lupine grains are presented. Material & methods: Bruised seeds of pea (variety “Lisa”), field bean (variety “Limbo”), and lupine (variety “Bora”), harvested with an experimental harvester at approximately 65% DM, were used for an ensiling study. Six hundred grams of this material were filled in plastic bags (3 per treatment) either as pure matter, with molasses addition (2% of fresh matter [FM]) or inoculated with lactic acid bacteria (LAB; commercial product containing Lactobacillus plantarum, inoculation with 3x105 cfu/g FM), alone or in combination with molasses. Air was evacuated and the bags were sealed using a vacuum sealer. Bags were stored at 20° C for 5, 15, 50 and 90 days. After incubation silage extracts were prepared (50 g silage in 200 ml aqua dest., stored for 15 h at 5° C) and pH-values were measured. Fermentation parameters in the silage extracts were determined by HPLC and GC. A T-test (Duncan) was performed to compare the results. Nutrient contents in the harvested material were analysed according to the Weende feed analysis. Results: Organoleptic evaluation of the silages showed good quality in all variants tested. PH was below the DM dependent critical value in all variants and acidification resulted from lactic acid produced in considerable amounts. Combined addition of LAB and molasses had the strongest positive effect on silage quality. Conclusion: The preliminary results suggest ensiling as a suitable method for conserving pea, field bean and lupine seeds harvested at a high moisture content.
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