Optimization and Analysis of Liquid Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Agro-Industrial Wastes via Mixture Design

Roberto Eloy Hernández Regalado, Tobias Weide, Daniel Baumkötter, Lukas Wettwer, Jurek Häner, Elmar Brügging, Jens Tränckner

Bioprocess Design and Optimization
Bandangabe: 9
Auflage: 877
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/pr9050877
Seite: 1 - 16
Jahr: 2021

Institut: Professur Wasserwirtschaft

Anaerobic co-digestion (AcoD) is a widely employed technique to produce biogas from simultaneous digestion of various biomasses. However, the selection of the optimal proportions of the substrates in the mixtures presents a challenge. This research used a mixture design to investigate
the interactions between the liquid fraction of piglet manure (PM), cow manure (CWM), and starch
wastewater (SWW). A modified Gompertz model was used to identify the statistically significant
parameters of the methane production curves. The optimal compositions of the mixtures were identified based on multi-objective optimization of the maximal methane yield (YCH4) and maximal
methane specific production rate (rCH4) parameters. The study was validated using a double mixture of PM and CWM and a triple mixture. The estimated degradation rates for both mixtures were faster than the predicted ones. The absolute relative errors of rCH4 were 27.41% for the double mixture and 5.59% for the triple mixture, while the relative errors of YCH4 were 4.64% for the double mixture and 10.05% for the triple mixture. These relative errors are within the normal limits of a process with high variability like AD. Thus, mixture design supported by the tested models is suitable for the definition of practically advisable mixtures of substrates.


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