Starenplage in Milchviehbetrieben in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Hütnner, Klim; Dibbert, Regina; Sanftleben, Peter

Der Praktische Tierarzt

Bandangabe: 96
Auflage: 10
ISBN: 0032-681X
Seite: 2 - 8
Jahr: 2015

Institut: Professur Tiergesundheit und Tierschutz

Starlings are frequently considered pests and suspected to transfer disease among dairy farms. Reports on invasions in dairy farms and fears towards related health risks led to systematic analysis between 2011 and 2012 in the north-eastern state of Mecklenburg, Western Pomerania. By means of questionnaire study, the extent of the problem was first evaluated. Eightyfour percent of farms reported to be severely or partially affected by starling invasions. Particular adversities triggered by thousands of birds include excessive noise levels, feed loss through faecal contamination and ingestion, and excessive amounts of droppings in the farm environment. Of the 74 % of respondents who had attempted active measures against starlings, no or limited impact is achieved. In a second step in the context of a case-control study, we investigated for differing farm factors and environmental parameters between affected from non-affected farms at eleven locations in each group. Larger farms are significantly more frequently affected by starlings. The birds invade stables of more recent construction more often. Significantly fewer invasion is registered on premises with an additional netting in stable wall components. None of the parameters analysed for feed management are statistically different between groups. For a systematic comparison of starling habitats within a radius of 10 km of the selected 22 dairy farms, the respective proportions of protected habitats, grasslands, rivers and lakes as well as forests were generated. It is found that the mean values are comparable for both cases and controls for protected habitats. In contrast, the average proportions for waters and forests in control farms tend to be higher, whereas grasslands are significantly higher around farms facing starling invasions. In addition to the interviews, a total of ten faecal pool samples of starlings and other wild birds were diagnostically examined for Salmonella spp. and Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (Map). Apart from one sample which reacted weakly positive on Map, all were tested negative on both pathogens. The results of the studies suggest that the local starling habitat has greater influence than farm factors in determining whether or not a dairy operation is affected by starling invasions.


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Zur Publikation: Mitarbeiter, Projekte
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Letzte Änderung des Eintrages: 26.10.2015

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