A pilot scale trickling filter with pebble gravel as media and its performance to remove chemical oxygen demand from synthetic brewery wastewater

Habte Lemji and Hartmut Eckstaedt

Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B
International journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology
Bandangabe: Volume 14
Auflage: Issue 10
ISBN: ISSN 1673-1581
Seite: 924 - 933
Jahr: 2013

Institut: Professur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft

Evaluating the performance of a biotrickling filter for the treatment of wastewaters produced by a company manufacturing beer was the aim of this study. A pilot scale trickling filter filled with gravel was used as the experimental biofilter. Pilot scale plant experiments were made to evaluate the performance of the trickling filter aerobic and anaerobic biofilm systems for removal of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and nutrients from synthetic brewery wastewater. Performance evaluation data of the trickling filter were generated under different experimental conditions. The trickling filter had an average efficiency of (86.81±6.95)% as the hydraulic loading rate increased from 4.0 to 6.4 m3/(m2·d). Various COD concentrations were used to adjust organic loading rates from 1.5 to 4.5 kg COD/(m3·d). An average COD removal efficiency of (85.10±6.40)% was achieved in all wastewater concentrations at a hydraulic loading of 6.4 m3/(m2·d). The results lead to a design organic load of 1.5 kg COD/(m3·d) to reach an effluent COD in the range of 50–120 mg/L. As can be concluded from the results of this study, organic substances in brewery wastewater can be handled in a cost-effective and environmentally friendly manner using the gravel-filled trickling filter.


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