Biological soil crusts along a climatic gradient in Chile: richness and function of phototrophic microorganisms in phosphorus biogeochemical cycling

Baumann, K., P. Jung, E. Samolov, L. W. Lehnert, B. Büdel, U. Karsten, J. Bendix, S. Achilles, M. Schermer, F. Matus, R. Oses, P. Osses, M. Morshe-dizad, C. Oehlschläger, Y. Hu, W. Klysubun, P. Leinweber.

Soil Biology and Biochemistry

Bandangabe: 127
ISBN: 0038-0717
Seite: 286 - 300
Jahr: 2018

Institut: Professur Bodenkunde


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Zur Publikation: Mitarbeiter, Projekte
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