Placing dots in dot maps

Hey, A., Bill, R.

International Journal of Geographical Information Science

ISBN: 1365-8816
Seite: 1 - 19
Jahr: 2014

Institut: Professur Geodäsie und Geoinformatik

Dot mapping is a cartographic representation method to visualise discrete absolute
values and their spatial distribution. To achieve this, dots equal in size and represented
value are used. According to the dot value, a certain number of dots are used to depict
a data value. These dots usually form dot clusters. The data value needs to be rounded
to a multiple of the dot value. It is possible to roughly determine the visualised data
value by counting the dots and multiplying this number with the dot value. As there are
many parameters – dot size, dot value, map scale – to consider when designing a dot
map, the manual way is very complex and time consuming. This paper presents a
method to automatically create a dot representation of a dot map from given statistical
data that needs no cartographic expertise. The dot representation may be combined
with other elements, such as a topographic background, to form a complete map. So
the algorithm can easily be integrated into the map design process. The paper refines
the basic approach of automated dot mapping published earlier. The dot placement and
arrangement have been improved compared to the basic method.


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Letzte Änderung des Eintrages: 27.06.2014

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