Experimentally indiced S. aureus or E. coli mammary gland infection impacts the liver transcriptome in heifers selected for divergent mastitis susceptibility

Heimes, A.; Brodhagen, J.; Demasius, W.; Günther, J.; Weikard, R.; Hadlich, F.; Seyfert, H.-M.; Rohmeyer, L.; Meyerholz, M.; Petzl, W.; Zerbe, H.; Hoedemaker, M.; Schubert, H.-J.; Engelmann, S.; Kühn, Ch.

Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Animal Genetics, Dublin, Ireland, 2017

Autor: Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Animal Genetics, Dublin, Ireland, 2017
Herausgeber: International Society for Animal Genetics
Seite: 96Jahr: 2017

Institut: Professur Genetik der Krankheitsresistenz


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