The need for content-lists, dictionaries and ontologies in expressing and evaluating compliance to crop-production regulations, guidelines and standards
Autor: Nash, E.
Anforderungen an die Agrarinformatik durch Globalisierung und Klimaveränderung
Referate der 29. GIL Jahrestagung, 09.-10. März 2009, Rostock
Autor: Bill, R.; Korduan, P.; Theuvsen, L.; Morgenstern, M. Bandangabe: GI Edition Lecture Notes in Informatics Teilbandnr: 142 Verlag: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. ISBN: 978-3-88579-236-9 Seite: 121 - 124 Jahr: 2009
Institut: Professur Geodäsie und Geoinformatik
Abstract: Regulations and standards are playing an increasingly important role in crop production. Common to the vast majority of these is that they are written in a natural language which must be interpreted by the end-user. In this paper, use-cases for a controlled vocabulary in the form of content-lists, dictionaries and on-tologies will be presented, with which standards may be expressed in a uniform manner. Combined with a formal logic and an XML-based transfer format, this will enable the automated transfer and processing of standards. The ultimate aim is to enable a continuous self-assessment of standards-compliance by farmers at all stages of crop production. Ansprechpartner
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