The Informal Economy and Viability of Small Family Farms in Romania

Thomka, Alexander

Eastern European Countryside

Bandangabe: 11
Auflage: 11
Seite: 89 - 109
Jahr: 2005

Institut: Professur Agrarökonomie

Since 1989 Romania’s agricultural sector is characterised by a growing number of small scale household farms which turn out to be remarkably effective socioeconomic actors under the present political, economic and social conditions. Being characterised by poor financial liquidity these household farms are often dependent on the support of the extended family who are rewarded with farm produce in turn. Nevertheless this form of organisation proves to be stable, in particular if the households have access to speciality products as wood or honey or if they can offer transport services. However, these goods and services are not traded on formal markets but exchanged in informal transactions and informal networks.


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