Seed yield effects of Festuca rubra - turf grass species on varied stand density

Schulze, Sabine; Jünger, Rene; Dittmann, Lisa; Mast, Ulrich; Müller, Jürgen

European Journal of Turf Grass Science

Auflage: 1
Seite: 3 - 7
Jahr: 2012

Institut: Professur Grünland- und Futterbauwissenschaften

A basic knowledge about crop management
is necessary to control seed production of
fine-leaved red fescue turf grass types. The
effect of different stand spacing on seed
yield of Festuca rubra – turf grass species,
varying in rhizome morphology, was inves-
tigated in two years at two locations in Ger-
many. Wide crop stands as induced by sin-
gle grain sowing outyielded conventionally
drilled seed stands significantly, especially
in the second harvest period. This effect
was pronounced in stands of Festuca rubra
L. var. commutata which reacted very sensi-
tive to changes in plant spacing. We there-
fore conclude that seed propagation of this
type of red fescue justifies higher expenses
and efforts in plant spacing techniques.




Zur Publikation: Mitarbeiter, Projekte
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Letzte Änderung des Eintrages: 03.04.2012

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