Balancing of COD, TSS and NO3-N loads in an urban streams by high resolution online monitoring

Richter B., Tränckner J

Urban Water Planning and Technologies for sustainable management
10. International Conference
Autor: Bertrand-Krajewski, Jean-Luc (INSA Lyon France)
ISBN: ISBN 978-2-917199 - 09 -1
Seite: 129 - 129
Jahr: 2019

Institut: Professur Wasserwirtschaft

Small urban stream are often recipients of stormwater drainage systems, while the waters are stressed by hydraulic and material impacts. In addition to pure concentration measurement, the consideration of the load (product of discharge and concentration) is particularly interesting, since by balancing urban and natural entries can be compared. The availability of online sensors makes it possible to equip two measuring points with simultaneous nutrient and flow measurement. The focus of the measurement campaign is on the recording of urban inputs, therefore the measurement points were located at the system boundary of the urban catchment. Due to the high temporal resolution (15 min) it was possible to show the influence of rain events on the waterbodies. This made both diurnal variations and special events visible. For the detection of dissolved and particulate parameters UV-VIS sensors are mainly used, which were supplemented by physical parameters. Due to the temporally high-resolution recording, it is also possible to consider the harmful duration, which represents a significant gain over sampling.


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