Associations between Streptococcus uberis Strains from the Animal Environment and Clinical Bovine Mastitis Cases

Wente, N; Klocke, D.;Paduch, J.-H.; Zhang, Y.; Tho Seeth, M.; Zoche-Golob, V.; Reinecke, F.; Mohr, E.; Krömker, V.

Journal of Dairy Science

Bandangabe: 102
Auflage: 10
ISBN: 0022-0302
Seite: 9360 - 9369
Jahr: 2019

Institut: Professur Tiergesundheit und Tierschutz

Associations between Streptococcus uberis Strains from the Animal Environment and Clinical Bovine Mastitis Cases. By Wente et al. Bovine mastitis is a microbiological disease resulting in huge economical losses. Sc. uberis is the most frequent environmental pathogen in many countries that causes acute mastitis and is difficult to control because of its multifaceted appearance. We compared Sc. uberis isolates from clinical mastitis cases with the strains from the cows´ environment to find the potential sources. The same strains were detected on the passageway to pasture, milking parlor waiting area, on a liner, and on a drinking trough. The ability of Sc. uberis to transmit from one host to another was found to be farm specific.




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