Konzeption einer Geodaten- und Geodiensteinfrastruktur als Frühwarn-system für Hangrutschungen unter Einbeziehung von Echtzeit-Sensorik
Autor: Bill, R., Niemeyer, F., Walter, K.
GIS - Zeitschrift für Geoinformatik
Auflage: 1 Seite: 26 - 35 Jahr: 2008
Institut: Professur Geodäsie und Geoinformatik
Abstract: Early warning systems are becoming one of the main pillars of hazard prevention in natural disasters like mass movements. Therefore, the call for improvement of monitoring natural hazards is steadily growing on the international level. The SLEWS project (Sensor based Landslide Early Warning System) is investigating the improvement of existing systems. This is demonstrated for landslides. Main objective is the development of a flexible system, combining an innovative service orientated open-standard spatial information infrastructure with coupled situation specific low cost sensor units. Furthermore the complete information chain, starting from sensor measurements to information evaluation and the derivation of warnings will be widely optimized. In this context possible application of wireless ad hoc sensor networks, sensor fusion and implementation of services within the OGC Sensor Web Enablement initiative is being investigated. Ansprechpartner
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