Epinephelus fuscoguttatus mariculture in Indonesia: Implications from fish parasite infections

H.W. Palm, I. Yulianto, S. Theisen, S. Rueckert, S. Kleinertz

Regional Studies in Marine Science

ISBN: 2352-4855
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rsma.2015.07.003
Seite: 54 - 70
Jahr: 2015

Institut: Professur Aquakultur und Sea-Ranching

Indonesia plays a major role in grouper supply for the Hong Kong based Live Reef Food Fish Trade. Hong
Kong is the biggest consumer of Live Reef Food Fish in the world and around 50% of the grouper originate
from Indonesia. In order to match Hong Kong market demands, the Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs
and Fisheries started to implement plans to intensify mariculture farming, to boost grouper production.
One inevitable consequence of this intensification is the increase of fish diseases and parasite infections.
Samples of Epinephelus fuscoguttatus were obtained from four mariculture facilities in Lampung Bay
(South Sumatra) and one in Pulau Seribu (North off western Java), Indonesia, to investigate and compare
the parasite composition. In total 35 parasite species were detected. Different ecological parameters
e.g. ecto/endoparasite ratio and Shannon–Wiener diversity Index were utilized to analyze the parasite
composition at the different mariculture sites. We also recorded the cultivation methods for each facility
including e.g. density of fish in the cages and other cultivation strategies. Our results demonstrate that
the feeding strategy and e.g. the stocking density of fish in the cages significantly affect the composition
of the grouper’s parasite fauna. As trash fish, which enables parasite transmission, is still one of the main
feed sources, one of the major future tasks is the search for alternative feed sources and feeding strategies
to prevent parasite spread and pathogenic outbreaks. Education of the farm management and unified
standards for the often small-size producers are required in order to safeguard grouper mariculture
development in the future.


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Zur Publikation: Mitarbeiter, Projekte
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