Räumliche Muster der Biodiversität und Störungsregimes in den Subtropen und Tropen

Jurasinski, G.; Beierkuhnlein, C.

Treffpunkt Biologische Vielfalt
Interdisziplinärer Forschungsaustausch im Rahmen des Übereinkommens über die biologische Vielfalt
Herausgeber: Bundesamt für Naturschutz
Urheber: Bundesamt für Naturschutz
Ort: Bonn-Bad Godesberg
Jahr: 2001

Institut: Professur Landschaftsplanung und Landschaftsgestaltung
Teilschwerpunkt: Erfassung und Auswertung umweltrelevanter Kenngrößen

Ecological disturbances and disturbance regimes are highly responsible for the development and maintenance of biodiversity. This is true for historical disturbance regimes and for recent ones. The impact of anthropogenic disturbances is increasing worldwide. Today, species, communities and ecosystems are threatened by a new quality, speed and intensity of disturbances. On the other hand, excluding or reducing disturbances could in many cases ignore necessary ecological mechanisms for the maintenance of ecological systems. As biodiversity is reacting to disturbance regimes, we will have to monitor aspects of biodiversity and disturbance regimes in mutual data sets that are related to certain scales and areas. However, there is a lack in methodological concepts to monitor biodiversity at different scales.

In this paper, we recommend different approaches towards a methodological standardization in biodiversity research. Distinguishing between investigation area, investigation unit and plot, we suggest to define specific spatial qualities for each data set. At the level of the investigation area, the size and the shape are important. The investigation units within the area have to be defined according to number, size, shape, distribution and distance. At the plot level, number, size, shape and qualitative properties (disturbance type) are crucial preconditionswhich influence data quality and results. This hierarchical framework has to fit statistical as well as geographical demands. The probability of the decay of similarity with increasing distance has to be taken into account as well. As statements to biodiversity always have to be related to spatial and temporal scales the sampling design is highly important. In our design, we make a difference between systematical, stochastical and preferential distributions.

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Letzte Änderung des Eintrages: 12.10.2004

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