Development of in vitro screening system for food habit related risk analysis

Autor: Bruch, M.; Mohr, E.
Ort: Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences

Institut: Professur Tiergesundheit und Tierschutz

In order to assess the health risk that associated with the consumption of unknown feed or food ingredients, there is a strong need of developing an in vitro screening system. The test system should be fast, reliable, inexpensive and without the necessity of performing animal tests. Furthermore, it should also provide important clues to the pote
ntial danger of unknown substances. The present study examines the extent to which cell and tissue cultures can be used for such studies. It should be ascertained whether the cell cultures can replace the native intestinal epithelium in terms of their sens
itivity and provide accurate results as a quick “screening system”. As a model for intestinal operations ex vivo tissue cultures from the native intestinal epithelium of the pig and the permanent cell line IPEC-J2 were used.
The cell culture was characterized in terms of their morphological and functional properties (TEER, tight-junction proteins). Various studies (short-circuit measurements, translocation of [3H]-mannitol) were performed to IPEC-J2 cells and the native intestinal epithelium in order to compare the functional
properties of both systems. Finally, the response of the addition of "unknown” test substances (papain and wheat extract) were investigated to determine whether the functional parameters of both systems are affected by these te
st substances or not. The IPEG-J2 cells show a more significant influence in their
functionality by “unknown” substances than the control variant. Results of study revealed that the in vitro system reacts rapidly in response of unknown test substances and it is more sensitive. Therefore, it is possible to operate a “risk assessment” for “unknown” substances with the help of this developed screening system


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Letzte Änderung des Eintrages: 26.10.2015

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