Alternative Anzuchtsysteme bei Kopfsalat

Gruda, N.; W.H. Schnitzler

Berichte über Landwirtschaft

Bandangabe: 84
Auflage: 3
Gesamttitelundnr1: Alternative growing systems for head lettuce
Seite: 469 - 484
Jahr: 2006

Institut: Professur Pflanzenbau

Vegetable seedlings and transplants are produced in pots or cells of different sizes. There has recently been a trend among producers towards more cells per tray, which decreases the need for growing medium and increases the number of seedlings or transplants produced per unit area. The most frequently used mixtures for vegetable seedling and transplant production are based on peat. In recent years, the question of replacing peat by a horticultural substrate has become more important due to ecological problems and has forced the horticultural industry to consider new alternatives. The international trend for substrate development tends towards the use of natural resources and renewable raw materials. Wood fiber substrates are a good alternative to peat, but they possess a small water holding capacity. This could pose a greater problem if the substrate volume for seedling and transplant production is reduced. In Germany, lettuce seedlings are usually produced in press pots (soil blocks). Plants grown in smaller cells with restricted root volumes and in growing media with limited water holding capacity could perform poorly after being transplanted in field conditions.
Growth parameters of lettuce seedlings, transplant shock as well as the later growth of lettuce in the field were investigated when the pot size was reduced to 25 cm3 (160 cells in Vefi Plug trays). Wood fiber substrates were suitable for the cultivation of vegetable seedlings. Lettuce seedling growth in a fine wood fiber substrate showed a better root mass and a lower leaf/root dry weight ratio compared to other organic growing media in use. A reduction of the pot size decreased the quality of lettuce seedling parameters. However, no differences in lettuce yield were found after transplanting to the field. Certainly, culture methods such as, for instance, irrigation and a good root development of seedlings in wood fiber substrates have been responsible for these results.




Zur Publikation: Mitarbeiter, Projekte
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Letzte Änderung des Eintrages: 06.01.2007

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