Local Business Co-operation and the Dilemmas of Collective Action
Rural Micro-business Networks in the North of England
Phillipson, Jeremy; Matthew Gorton and Lutz Laschewski

Sociologia Ruralis

Bandangabe: Vol 46
Auflage: Number 1
Seite: 40 - 60
Jahr: 2006

Institut: Professur Agrarökonomie

Case study research in two rural market towns in the north of England investigates the
local connectivity of micro-businesses and notions of co-operative behaviour with a view
to informing a debate on the extent to which external (state) agencies can support the
formation of local business networks. The research finds that co-operation is often
associated with symbolic activities to express local identities with few cases of formal
collective action. The case studies highlight an inherent danger of external state inter-
vention in the facilitation of small business networks, in that, by disturbing established
local norms and networks, such interventions may jeopardise the latent structures of
social capital which they seek to exploit.


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