Biomass production of Lolio-Cynosuretum grassland is not affected by sward composition

Seither, M., Wrage, N., Isselstein, J.

Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science

Auflage: 177
Seite: 613 - 623
Jahr: 2014

Institut: Professur Grünland- und Futterbauwissenschaften

In experimental grasslands, a positive relationship between biomass production and plant diversity has often been found. Here, we compared a moderately species-rich old sward with its grass-dominated counterpart (12 vs. 8 species per 2.5 m2, or 8.3 vs. 0.7% yield proportion of dicots at the start of the experiment) established by herbicide application. We hypothesized an increased N, P and K uptake in the diverse sward related to a higher colonization rate with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), the presence of legumes, and complementary nutrient use of plant species. Phosphorus or N fertilizer application (according to contributions of AMF or legumes) were expected to balance the assumed smaller biomass production of the grass compared to the diverse sward. In two experimental years, N, P and K uptake, biomass production, N2 fixation, and intra- and extraradical AMF colonization were investigated in an untreated control and plots that were fertilized with P and N in a low (P1: 20 kg P ha−1; N1: 50 kg N ha−1) or a high dose (P2: 100 kg P ha−1; N2: 500 kg N ha−1) in both swards. Biomass production was larger in the grass compared to the diverse sward. The N, P and K uptake, accumulated over three harvests (or 1.5 years), was also larger in the grass sward. The biomass production ranged from 5.3 to 10.0 t ha−1 and accumulated nutrient uptake from 82 to191 kg N ha−1, 19 to 31 kg P ha−1 and 112 to 221 kg K ha−1. Small legume proportions resulted in an accumulated N2 fixation between 0 and 3 kg ha−1. In the second year, the root length colonized with AMF structures was larger in the diverse compared to the grass sward, and the root length colonized with arbuscules and coils was larger in the N2 treatment compared to the control in the diverse sward. There were hints to higher AMF abundance under conditions of limited P availability (low soil P content, high N:P ratio in plant biomass). We conclude that in semi-natural grassland of moderate species richness several factors may affect the relationship between plant diversity and productivity, i.e., management, plant species identity, and the number of the plant species of the low-diversity level.


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Letzte Änderung des Eintrages: 08.08.2014

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