Terminology of the sucker-like organs of the scolex of trypanorhynch cestodes

Malcolm, K.J.; Beveridge, J.; Campbell, R.A.; Palm, H.W.

Systematic Parasitology

Bandangabe: 59
Seite: 121 - 126
Jahr: 2004

Institut: Professur Aquakultur und Sea-Ranching

The literature associated with descriptions and definitions of the sucker-like attachment organs in trypanorhynchs,
termed either bothria or bothridia, is reviewed. There are descriptions of 14 trypanorhynch species representing
10 families. In none of these trypanorhynchs was a membrane separating the attachment organ from the scolex
parenchyma described, one of the definitions used to distinguish bothria from bothridia. Transmission electron
microscopy of the bothria of the trypanorhynch species Nybelinia queenslandensis Beveridge & Jones, 1998
(Tentaculariidae) and Otobothrium mugilis Hiscock, 1954 (Otobothriidae) also failed to show any membranous
structure separating the surface of the attachment organ from the cestode parenchyma. The sucker-like attachment
organs of trypanorhynchan cestodes appear, therefore, to be bothria rather than bothridia. As a result, changes in
the terminology of related features of the scolex are proposed here. Henceforth, the pars bothridialis should be
referred to as the pars bothrialis and the bothridial pits should be referred to bothrial pits.




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Letzte Änderung des Eintrages: 03.08.2012

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