Spatial and temporal patterns of dissolved organic matter in a restoring peat bog in Northern Germany as indicators of restoration success.

Glatzel, S.; Guckland, A.; Gerold, G.

Proceedings of the International workshop on Ecological Aspects of Dissolved Organic Matter in Terrestrial Ecosystems.

Autor: Glatzel, S., Guckland, A., Gerold, G.
Ergaenzung: Poster at the International Workshop Dissolved Organic Matter and the Cycling of Carbon, Nutrients and Metals, Thurnau, 3.-6.Okt.2004.
Seite: 69Jahr: 2004

Institut: Professur Landschaftsökologie und Standortkunde




Zur Publikation: Mitarbeiter, Projekte
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Letzte Änderung des Eintrages: 05.11.2009

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