Zeitliche Entwicklung der Stoffbelastung kleiner Fließgewässer - Wasserqualitätsuntersuchungen am Beispiel der Honigau in Schleswig-Holstein von 1973-75 und 1995-99 -.
Autor: Deunert, F. und B. Lennartz
Auflage: 3/2004 Seite: 25 - 29 Jahr: 2004
Institut: Professur Bodenphysik Teilschwerpunkt: Umweltgerechter Stoffhaushalt
Abstract: The objective of the study was to document the temporal development of surface water in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. The selected catchment was extensively investigated during monitoring campaigns from 1972 to 1974 and 1996 to 1998. The anthropogenically caused contamination level of the Honigau was greatly reduced over time, because:
• the number of households connected to wastewater treatment plants was increased; • new and improved wastewater treatment plants ensured a more efficient treatment of wastewater discharges; • fewer farms, but with state-of-the-art storage capacities for manure reduced nutrient losses.
The results showed that technical progress and an improved legislative framework have a greater effect on the reduction of nutrient losses with a distinct point source character than on the diffusive losses of nitrogen.
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